martes, 28 de mayo de 2013


Llegó el momento de decir adiós a Grace, la auxiliar de conversación que nos ha acompañado este año. Los niños y niñas de 5ºA han querido que Grace se lleve un pedacito de ellos. Por eso, le han preparado un cuaderno de historias, dibujos y vivencias que esperamos le haya gustado.

Para despedirse de nosotros, Grace nos ha preparado una actividad muy especial sobre United of Kingdom. Aquí dejo algunas muestras del trabajo de hoy para que un día tan emotivo no pase desapercibido.

Grace, muchas gracias por tu cariño, tu paciencia y por todo cuanto nos has enseñado. No te olvidaremos. Guardaremos un pedacito de ti con nosotros para siempre. ¡Y no te olvides de venir a visitarnos cuando regreses a España! Nos nos cansaríamos de abrazarte...

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi everyone!

    I'm sure that it is really difficult for Grace and for everyone to say goodbye; I remember how strange and difficult it was last year, and I had the same experience this year with my school in Jaén, but we all have to be thankful for such great memories we have shared together!

    I hope you receive packages from me soon: one has postcards from Jaén, and another is letters from my 3rd grade class. Enjoy!

    I am sorry I couldn't come visit again this year, but I am already back with my family in New York. They say hello!

    I miss you always!

    Big hugs,

  2. Hi!
    We are happy to read this message. Thank you so much! It's kind of you. Don't worry, we understand that you didn't visit our class. We hope that you get better soon. We know that the health is the most important thing.
    We miss you always too. We say hello to your family.
    Big hugs and kisses,
    5th A in CEIP Ntra Sra del Patrocinio.

  3. Hi Sarah I'm Javier Navarro we did that can come here but don't worry you can come another time but the most important no is that ypu can't come here is that we keep in contach

  4. You guys are the best. Thanks for understanding! And you're exactly right Javier: the important thing is that we keep in touch.

    I have a new email:

    Send me anything, any time.

